HKETO Newsroom

October 7, 2024

“Dim Sum without Distance”: a cultural journey unveiled at Nuit Blanche in Toronto

Internationally renowned digital media artist Dr Hung Keung from Hong Kong joined Nuit Blanche, the largest contemporary art festival Toronto, Canada, and presented a cross-cultural collaboration project with Canadian dance artist Lauren Runions. The art project gave visitors a taste of the new realm of digital media art creation through traditional Chinese landscape painting theory, new media and the culinary art of dim sum on the night of October 5.

The project, entitled, “Dim Sum without Distance”, reimagines the traditional Chinese painting theory of the “Three Distances”, which explores depth through perspectives of looking up, down and across. The installation was inspired by these viewpoints and the culinary art of dim sum, a term that may also be interpreted as “to touch the heart”, and aligned with the theme of this year’s Nuit Blanche, which is “Bridging Distance”.

The art piece was showcased at Love Park along Toronto’s waterfront, creating a unique cultural dialogue that transcends geographical boundaries. The video content follows Runions’s journey through Hong Kong, where dim sum-making becomes a form of performance art. Through a captivating multimedia experience, Dr Hung and Runions explore the intricate relationship between food, culture and art, encouraging audiences to reflect on the shared experiences that unite diverse communities.

As audiences moved through the park, the work invited them to experience different perspectives and explore the profound connection between the traditional and contemporary.

Dr Hung is a digital media artist and professor at the Education University of Hong Kong. He blends Chinese philosophy with digital media in an innovative artistic practice, which explores interactive performance and experimental art. This innovative installation is one of highlights of Nuit Blanche this year, captivating art lovers and curious minds alike with its rich storytelling and immersive visuals.

Nuit Blanche is Toronto’s annual all-night celebration of contemporary art, produced by the City of Toronto in collaboration with Toronto’s arts community. The “Dim Sum without Distance” project was sponsored by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) and the Hong Kong Tourism Board with the support of Hong Kong Arts Centre.

October 7, 2024


國際知名數碼媒體藝術家洪強博士由香港前來多倫多參加該市最大型的當代藝術展「白晝之夜」,展出與加拿大舞蹈家Lauren Runions共同創作的跨文化藝術作品。該作品於十月五日晚上展出,糅合傳統中國山水畫理論、新媒體和點心烹飪藝術,為觀賞數碼媒體藝術創作的觀眾帶來嶄新的體驗。

名為「點心零距離」的大型數碼裝置藝術重塑中國傳統繪畫的「三遠」理論,透過仰視、俯視和平視的視點探索景物的深度。該裝置藝術的靈感來自這些視角和點心烹飪藝術,而「點心」一詞又可解作觸動人心,與今年「白晝之夜」的主題「Bridging Distance」互相呼應。

該藝術作品在多倫多湖畔的Love Park展出,創造了一次超越地域界限的獨特文化交流。影片記錄了Lauren Runions在香港的旅程,以點心製作創作表演藝術。透過精彩吸引的多媒體體驗,洪強博士和Lauren Runions探索了美食、文化和藝術之間千絲萬縷的關係,並讓觀眾反思團結多元文化社區的共同經歷。


