HKETO Newsroom

May 24, 2024

HKETO organised networking luncheon on business opportunities in Hong Kong for startup founders

Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) (HKETO), Ms Emily Mo, promoted Hong Kong’s economic strengths and opportunities for Canadian startup founders at a networking luncheon on May 24.

At the event, Ms Mo highlighted Hong Kong's dynamic business environment and proactive approach to innovation and technology (I&T) and introduced the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s various initiatives to facilitate and support Canadian business to set up and expand into Hong Kong.

Ms Mo said, “being the most internationalised cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong is an ideal gateway to the Mainland China market and capital.   Hong Kong is also a free, open, diversified and innovative city that offers robust legal and IP (intellectual property) protection framework, solid research and development foundation, a simple and low tax system, as well as high accessibility in fund-raising.

“All these intangible assets have positioned Hong Kong as one of the most vibrant innovation hubs in the Indo-pacific region, and ensured Hong Kong’s promising role as a super value-adder between Mainland China and the rest of the world.”

The networking event also served as a valuable opportunity for forging connections among I&T startups, entrepreneurs and venture capital firms in Toronto.

The event was co-organised by HKETO, Invest Hong Kong in Canada and the Aceocial, a Canadian non-profit group dedicated to creating a better startup ecosystem. It was a side event of the Toronto Tech Fest, an unbranded week of events hosted by various members of the technology community in the city held from May 21 to 24. It was also a prelude to Hong Kong’s presence in the annual mega technology conference Collision 2024 to be held in Toronto from June 17 to 20.

May 24, 2024







午餐會由香港經貿處、加拿大投資推廣署和加拿大非牟利組織Aceocial 合辦,Aceocial 是一家致力於打造更佳創業生態系統的加拿大非牟利組織。

是次活動是多倫多科技節的相關活動,該科技節由五月二十一日至二十四日舉行,由多倫多科技節成員主辦;午餐會亦為多倫多年度科技會議Collision 2024的前奏活動,為香港在該會議的參與揭開序幕。