HKETO Newsroom

October 2, 2024

Renowned Hong Kong new media artist enriches artistic scene in collaborative project that transcends distance

Internationally renowned digital media artist Dr Hung Keung from Hong Kong will participate in Nuit Blanche, the largest contemporary art festival in Toronto, Canada, on October 5. He will feature an extraordinary collaborative project with Canadian artist Lauren Runions in the form of a large-scale digital art installation titled “Dim Sum Without Distance”, which celebrates the culinary heritage of dim sum. This marks the first time that Hong Kong artists have participated in this annual mega event in Toronto. To share his experiences and updates about Hong Kong's art scene with Canadian artists and students, Dr Hung delivered a talk at York University on October 2.

During the talk, themed “Creative Collaboration: From Research to Artistic Practice”, Dr Hung provided insights into his artistic process and the significance of cross-cultural dialogue in contemporary art.  Attendees had the opportunity to interact directly with Dr Hung, further enriching their experience with this ground-breaking cross-cultural project that intertwines visual art with the culinary heritage of dim sum.

Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) (HKETO), Ms Emily Mo, delivered a welcome message at the talk.  She said that Hong Kong has always been a place where East meets West in arts and culture.  “‘Dim Sum Without Distance’ is not just an art installation; it is a celebration of cultural exchange and collaboration,” she said. “The project is a testament to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's vision to develop Hong Kong into an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange and an international cultural metropolis grounded in Chinese traditions and enriched by different cultures.”

Dr Hung is a digital media artist and professor at the Education University of Hong Kong. He blends Chinese philosophy with digital media in an innovative artistic practice that explores interactive performance and experimental art. His large-scale installation piece, “Dim Sum Without Distance”, will be showcased at Love Park along the Toronto waterfront on the night of October 5 through October 6. The project aligns with this year's festival theme, “Bridging Distance”, engaging visitors with the profound connections between Hong Kong and Toronto through traditional Chinese landscape painting theory, new media, and the culinary art of dim sum.

Visitors to Nuit Blanche will have the opportunity to explore this vibrant intersection of art and cuisine and experience the connections that unite people, regardless of distance.

Nuit Blanche is Toronto’s annual all-night celebration of contemporary art, produced by the City of Toronto in collaboration with Toronto’s arts community. The "Dim Sum without Distance" project was sponsored by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) and the Hong Kong Tourism Board with the support of Hong Kong Arts Centre.

For more information on the installation and other projects at Nuit Blanche, please visit the thematic website at

October 2, 2024


國際知名數碼媒體藝術家洪強博士由香港遠道而至加拿大,參與十月五日舉行、多倫多市最大型的當代藝術展「白晝之夜」,展出與加拿大舞蹈家Lauren Runions共同創作的大型數碼裝置藝術「點心零距離」,介紹傳統點心美饌,這是首次有香港藝術家參與這項多倫多年度盛事。洪博士十月二日在約克大學的講座上,與加拿大藝術家和學生分享他的創作經驗和香港藝術界的最新發展。

在題為「Creative Collaboration: From Research to Artistic Practice」的講座上,洪博士分享他在創作過程所得的心路歷程和有關當代藝術跨文化對話的重要性。出席者有機會在活動與洪博士互動交流,藉以更深入了解這個首次糅合視覺藝術和點心飲食傳統的跨文化合作。


洪強博士為數碼媒體藝術家,在香港教育大學擔任教授,他專研互動表演和實驗藝術,擅於把中國哲學和數碼媒體藝術結合。他的大型裝置藝術「點心零距離」將在十月五日晚至十月六日於多倫多湖畔的Love Park展出,這次項目與今年「白晝之夜」的主題「Bridging Distance」互相呼應,作品透過傳統中國山水畫理論、新媒體和點心美食,帶領觀眾體驗香港和多倫多兩地的緊密連繫。


